Operators in JavaScript

Operators in JavaScript are special symbols used to perform operations over operands (Values and Variables).


// Example of operator
2 + 3 = 5; // Here + and = both are operators

JavaScript Operator Types

  1. Arithmetic operators
  2. Assignment operators
  3. Comparison operators
  4. Logical operators
  5. Bitwise operators

Let’s discuss one by one below

1. Arithmetic Operators in Js

Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on operands.

For example: 

const num = 6 + 3; // 9

Here, the + operator is used to add two operands.

Arithmetic Operators
 Table of Arithmetic Operators

Example: Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript

// Example of Arithmetic Operators
let a = 5;
let b = 2;

// addition operator
console.log('a + b = ', a+b);  // 7

// subtraction operator
console.log('a - b = ', a - b);  // 3

// multiplication operator
console.log('a * b = ', a * b);  // 10

// division operator
console.log('a / b = ', a / b);  // 2.5

// remainder operator
console.log('a % b = ', a % b);   // 1

2. Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assigning values to variables.

For example:

const a = 5; // Here 5 is assigned to variable a

Here, the = operator is used to assign the value 5 to the variable a.

Here is a list of the most commonly used assignment operators:

Assignment Operators
List of All Assignment Operators



3. Comparision Operators

The comparison operators compare two values ​​and return a boolean value, either true or false .

For example:

// Example of Comparision Operator
const a = 5, b = 1;
console.log(a > b); // true


Comparison Operator
List of Comparison Operators

Example: Comparision Operators in JavaScript

// Comparision Operators
// Equal operator
console.log(5 == 5); // true
console.log(5 == '5'); // true

// Not Equal operator
console.log(6 != 4); // true
console.log('hey' != 'Hey'); // true

// Strict Equal operator
console.log(5 === 5); // true
console.log(5 === '5'); // false

// Strict Not Equal operator
console.log(5 !== '5'); // true
console.log(5 !== 5); // false

Comparision or Relational operators are used in decision making and in loops. You will learn more about the use of comparison operators in later articles.


4. Logical Operators

Logical operators perform logical operations and return a boolean value, either true or false.


//Example of Logical Operator
const a = 5, b = 3;
(x < 8) && (y < 10); // true

Here && is the logical operator AND. Since a < 8 and  b < 10 are true, the result is true.

Logical Operators
List of logical operators

Example: Logical Operators in JavaScript

// Logical AND
console.log(true && true); // true
console.log(true && false); // false

// Logical OR
console.log(true || false); // true

// Logical NOT
console.log(!true); // false

Logical operators are used in decision making and in loops. You will learn more about using logical operators in detail in later articles.

5.Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators are used to perform operations on binary representations of numbers.

For example:

// Example of bitwise operator

let x = 11; 
let  y = 21; 

result = x & y; 
console.log(result); // 1
Bitwise Operators
List of bitwise operators

Bitwise operators are rarely used in day-to-day programming. If interested, please visit JavaScript Bitwise Operators for more information.

Thank you so much for reading

Happy Coding


Some more Articles on JavaScript

  1. Introduction to JavaScript
  2. Variable in JavaScript
  3. Let var const in JavaScript
  4. JavaScript Data Types





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